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I have a run...
Mar 5, 2017 | By .
I love the color of these tights. I wore them and there is a run in the toe area. I never had tights have a fun like this. I hope the other ones I bought don't have the same problem.
Color and Comfort
Nov 22, 2015 | By Laurie Aron
These tights and soft and comfortable, and the colors are beautiful. Also true to what they look like on web. I have rust, burgundy, brown and olive.
Nauset 20
Apr 10, 2015 | By Mary
Great fit, texture and comfortable.
Great Tights!
Nov 6, 2011 | By kay
I purchased microfiber opaque tights, 2 of each color black, navy and brown. They fit perfectly and I was skeptical about one size fits all. In these it works. Also the color quality of all of the colors is spot on. The black is really black, the brown is a lovely chocolate and and navy is dark navy as it should be. I am very pleased. Buying on line is convenient and I will be back in the future.
Great Tights!
Nov 6, 2011 | By kay
I purchased microfiber tights, 2 of each color black, navy and brown. They fit perfectly and I was skeptical about one size fits all. In these it works. Also the color quality of all of the colors is spot on. The black is really black, the brown is a lovely chocolate and and navy is dark navy as it should be. I am very pleased. Buying on line is convenient and I will be back in the future.