Featured Blogger: Jo of Lost in the Haze
Jo of Lost in the Haze joins us this month as our featured blogger! She hails from New Zealand, and has a classy vintage look with a quirky modern-day twist. The result? A fun, fresh look that brings a smile to your lips. Of course, she loves tights, and is especially in-tune with pairing adorable socks with her look...long before the socks + sandals look became trendy! With her style shots set against a dreamy lush background, Jo's fashion sense truly shines through the haze. Thank you, Jo, for sharing your style with us continuing to make Foot Traffic look good! How long have you been a "fashionista"? Oh goodness, I have never thought of myself as a fashionista! I just love clothes – and putting outfits together! I have always been hugely into clothes though, even as a child, and fondly remember growing up in the 90s and having my mum make me outfits that I was crazy about! Where do you look for fashion trends? I am a complete blog addict! I'm forever gazing at my Bloglovin' feed, and finding new blogs to obsess over! I also love looking at fashion magazines – although my bank account doesn't always allow it! I don't particularly obsess over current 'trends' though, and tend to do my own thing. What are your favorite sources of inspiration? Oh, definitely Tumblr and fashion blogs. I have an enormous 'inspiration' folder saved to my computer – it is my pride and joy! What is your personal style? I would definitely consider my style to be a bit of a mish-mash. I like to think of it as very 60s influenced (I love beehives and short hemlines!), with a hint of classic 'British' style, and 1950s style red lipstick thrown in for good measure! Where is your favorite place to shop? I am a notorious vintage shopper! I'm super lucky – and actually live close to many of my favorite thrift stores! When it's pay day I'm sure to be seen paying them a visit. Tell me about your favorite outfit Oh goodness! This is tricky! It is definitely an ever-changing answer, but is currently a pastel blue Stop Staring playsuit with candy striped detail. My boyfriend (and wonderful photographer!), Barnaby bought it for me for my 22 nd birthday, and I absolutely love it. It has definitely been one of my go-to outfits this summer! I love pairing it with my brown boater shoes and one of my many bowler hats – they are a must for every outfit! What is your "go-to" legwear? I love wearing white tights! They seem to go with just about everything! I am also a massive fan of novelty socks – and I love matching them to their environment! I am forever wearing nautical socks when I visit the beach, or cat print socks when I dog-sit. What is the best way to update an outfit? Add a brooch! I am extremely minimal when it comes to jewelry – but I can never resist a good brooch! I love pinning them on the collar of my blouse or dress, or attaching them to my sweater. What never goes out of style? Red lipstick. I feel so much more complete with a swipe of scarlet on my lips. It never ceases to brighten up an outfit! What is the next trend we can expect this fall/winter? Colored tights! Mustard tights have been cropping up all over the blogosphere – and I can't wait to find a pair for myself! I am also crossing my fingers that houndstooth has a comeback this year – it goes so perfectly with ruby red lipstick during the colder seasons. Tell me about where you live I live in Christchurch, New Zealand. It's a sleepy little place, known in New Zealand as 'The Garden City'. It is definitely a perfect place for a park-dweller like myself! What is the weather like in New Zealand in March and April? The weather will be going into Autumn. It is definitely one of my favourite seasons! I love crunching leaves with my feet, and it also means that it is almost my birthday! Hooray! What do you like most about Spring? I'm not much of a Winter person, so I can honestly say I love everything about Spring! I love it when the flowers come out again, and warm weather starts to shine through. Bliss!