GREAT MINDS.....Wear socks!

GREAT MINDS.....Wear socks!

Our talking heads novelty socks are just what you need to put on your feet to show that you are in accord with great minds of the past. We can always learn from our predecessors, gleaning inspiration from well-known artists, politicians, athletes, and genius thought provokers. Just knowing that their messages continue to inspire us makes it fun to wear these novelty socks. At FOOT TRAFFIC, we have men's novelty talking heads and women's novelty talking heads. To show just we are smarty pants, here are some quotes for you to ponder: MEN'S Einstein - "INTELLECTUALS SOLVE PROBLEMS, GENIUSES PREVENT THEM." Ben Franklin -"A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED." Abe Lincoln - "WHATEVER YOU ARE, BE A GOOD ONE." Mozart -"MUSIC IS MY LIFE AND MY LIFE IS MUSIC." President Trump- "I'M VERY HIGHLY EDUCATED. I KNOW WORDS. I HAVE THE BEST WORDS." WOMEN'S Einstein - "INTELLECTUALS SOLVE PROBLEMS, GENIUSES PREVENT THEM." Abe Lincoln - "WHATEVER YOU ARE, BE A GOOD ONE." Mozart -"MUSIC IS MY LIFE AND MY LIFE IS MUSIC." Cleopatra -"I WILL NOT BE TRIUMPHED OVER!" Frida Kahlo- "I DRANK TO DROWN MY SORROWS, BUT THE DARNED THINGS LEARNED HOW TO SWIM." It is fun to wear such inspirational socks just to get attention at the water cooler, at class, a sporting event or at a bar. It will certainly start a conversation! Find our authentic inspirational talking heads on our FOOT TRAFFIC website! Save