As I pour through fashion magazines and watch all of the beautiful models on television, I longingly admire their tiny waists and long leggy looks. Although most of us don't live on carrots and lettuce and aren't six feet tall, there are some fashion tricks that the professionals use to achieve the long leggy look. At Chico's they call it "column" dressing. That is, dressing in monochromatic colors from head to toe. You match your top to your pants or skirt and then match your tights to the rest of the outfit. It creates a continuous column of color, and interest is added through using different textures and great scarves and jewelry. And you don't stop there. If you are not about the entire outfit being monochromatic, then just match your tights with your shoes. A recent article in the Wall Street Journal talks further about this great idea. Today's fashion includes so many great skirts and dresses, a long leggy look is fun and easy to pull off, particularly with your great heals or great boots. It is a simple, impactful look and flattering and fun for all body types. There are so many great colors of shoes and tights, match them up and enjoy your new leggy look!