On April 22, in conjunction with Earth day, scientists and science-supporting citizens gathered worldwide to celebrate the role that science plays in our everyday life and to support science and evidence-based research. Protesters gathered in over 600 hundred cities with an estimated 70,000 participants in Boston and over 150,000 in several California cities, aggravated by President Donald Trump's threats to cut the budgets of agencies that fund scientific work. The peaceful marches were to raise awareness of science and promote science over politics and facts over fiction. The main March for Science rally was at Washington's National Mall where speakers spoketo the need to continue research in areas that support health and climate change and to promote policy-based legislation regardless of political affiliation. At a time of so much political unrest and "alternative facts", science is an anchor to our environment, the world and our well-being. Without proper funding and attention to the significance of continued scientific research, we risk losing site of the environmental changes that are endangering our planet for current and future generations. In the name of science, we proudly wear our men's chemistry socks and women's chemistry socks and encourage you to do the same ! Save Save Save