GUYS and SOCKS There has never been a better time than now to be in the socks and legwear business. As you might suspect, our primary customers are women who have a plethora of accessories to change their wardrobe. Men don't have as many choices. However, beyond the basic tie, men have found that socks are a great way to showcase their personality without jeopardizing their jobs in the office. Now, more than ever, men are gaining confidence and wearing fun socks. Our guest blogger is Mr. Pepper, the husband and partner of Jessie Artigue, a New York blogger and favorite fashionista. Mr. Pepper, who has his blog, GUY STYLE featured on STYLE PEPPER, has graciously agreed to help us learn more about this rapidly growing trend. We have seen an explosion of interest in men's socks in fashion. Why now? I'd say it's due to a few factors, but the main reason has been the growing popularity of a more fitted pant. We've finally ditched our Dad's "full break" in front of the ankle and so our pant hems are brushing the tops of our shoes instead of draping over them till they hit the floor. As a result, our pants tend to show off our socks when we walk, and that makes them a much more visible part of the wardrobe. It seems like men are really embracing the opportunity to give expression to what has normally been dull and boring, and as a result are demanding more from their socks. Is there a certain kind of guy that wears creative socks? I think every man can wear creative socks, even if it's a conservative, monochromatic, herringbone pattern. It might not be super adventurous, but it's an easy creative sock pattern that anyone can pull off, no matter the context.. From suits to jeans, there is almost always an opportunity to trade your boring socks for a creative pair.