Shark Attack at Foot Traffic!

Shark Attack at Foot Traffic!

[caption id="attachment_13" align="alignright" width="300" caption="3D Shark Socks"] [/caption] Who watched Shark week on Discovery Channel this past August? After a few horrifying stories of lost limbs and shore-side shark attacks, I vowed never to step foot in the ocean again and will only enjoy the beauty from the balcony of a beach-side hotel...or on the sand a good 20 feet in. However, while not stepping foot in the ocean, you can step foot in our wonderful 3D shark socks from Foot Traffic . What a fun idea for those that enjoy stepping into danger. Great gift for beach-side enthusiasts or a clever way to tell you story next year on Shark Week of how your feet were in the mouth of a hungry shark! [caption id="attachment_105" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="YICKES!!"] [/caption]