A WINTER WHITE NEMESIS... After the beautiful flakes of snow gently glisten to the earth and cling softly on the trees, the grass, the sidewalks…. snirt seems to appear a day or two later when the snow melts slightly, and slush on the streets get shoved to the curb. It's the awful inevitable after-effect of snow that lingers around until the temperature finally warms up enough to melt it away. WHAT IS SNIRT? Snow + Dirt =SNIRT The URBAN dictionary defines it as, "The stuff that piles up in parking lots and alongside the road in the midwest during the winter. Not quite snow, not quite dirt." WINTER WHITE The only reason I bring this up is that one of the winter season's hottest trend is the beautiful color of winter white. We have seen it coming for the past few months and it is here and looking good! Creamy winter white always looks crisp and elegant against the darker colors of winter. Whether it's a cashmere sweater, leather jacket, wool coat, or jeans, it will look wintery when accessorized correctly. Add a scarf, layers of pearls or contrast it with black. At FOOT TRAFFIC , we have enjoyed the continued popularity of off white cotton tights and love the way they look with a short denim skirt or layered with winter white leg warmers . WE LOVE winter white! Add it to your winter wardrobe, stay away from snirt, and you will certainly be on-trend! Will you be wearing winter white?