Stockings and Stuffers

Stockings and Stuffers

Oh, how I love the holidays! It is the one time of year when I can decorate the house with a big tree, lots of lights and lots of greenery! As my son once said , " You decorate with lots of love." That I do! But this year, I have made a decision to simplify my decorating. I am going with Christmas white decor, holiday greenery and a dash of sparkle . I need to add another stocking to the mantle this year and found this wonderful holiday recycled stocking that I am going to make. I am a DIYer to the core and this looked neither difficult nor expensive (recycled sweaters and felt). It came from the book, Indygo Junction's FABRIC FLOWERS by Amy Barickman . The book features wonderful fabric flower patterns including this stocking and the felt poinsettia. I will also tackle the wreath. What does this have to do with socks and legwear? Every year I fill the stockings for my family with fun gifts, including novelty socks from Foot Traffic . They are perfect stocking stuffers because I personalize them to each recipient. The smiles and chuckles that I witness when they find their socks is what Christmas is all about. Yes, the holiday atmosphere is important but not as important as shared smiles and giving gifts that show you know someone. It's as simple as that. What are you doing different this holiday season? What are your traditions?